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International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
6. August 2018 @ 08:00 - 10. August 2018 @ 17:00
Overview As System Dynamics moves into its seventh decade, improved understanding of the world around us has never been more important. This need resonates across disciplines and from K-12 to academia to business and government. It calls for us to consider impacts of accumulation, feedback, and time delays while systematically evaluating policies for sustainable business practices, resource use, education, health care, and prosperity. We invite seasoned practitioners to share their important contributions to the field. We also invite those new to System Dynamics to learn about the powerful analytical techniques and insights developed over six decades of accomplishments. Through showcased work in plenaries, parallel and poster sessions, skills building workshops, and those ever important side conversations, we welcome you to join us as we all improve our understanding of the world around us.
The tentative list of threads for 2018 is:
- Business
- Economics
- Environment
- Health
- Human Behavior
- Information and Knowledge
- Learning and Teaching
- Methodology
- Operations
- Public Policy
- Resources
- Security
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Strategy
Real-World Practice System Dynamics is aimed at solving important practical problems. We welcome people interested in such real-world applications. If you have ideas for sessions and workshops focused on addressing practical issues in specific commercial or scientific fields using System Dynamics modeling, please contact us.
Call for Papers (printable brochure)
We wish you a healthy and productive new year and are looking forward to seeing you at ISDC 2018 this summer, here in Reykjavík, Iceland.
New for 2018: We are planning a plenary that will be open to the public, drawing people from the university and city to see important work being done in System Dynamics. This will provide an opportunity to reach directly to the broader public and build interest in our field.
Pre-Conference Cultural Event: Innipúkinn August 3-5, 2018
This Icelandic holiday is an annual outdoor music festival, held in downtown Reykjavík, and throughout Iceland. The festival includes the music program and also features market events, pub quizzes, food events (BBQs) and more. Monday, August 6, is the national Icelandic holiday, Frídagur verslunarmanna.